
Directions from Anywhere. Yes you can get here from there!

Directions from I-91:

Follow I-91 north to VT Exit 19. Get on I-93 South for one exit to Exit 1. Take a left at end of ramp onto Route 18 follow to light and go right onto Route 2. follow that to Lancaster, NH (about 35 min).

*** In Lancaster follow Route 3 to Groveton, take right onto Route 110 in Groveton, follow 110 through Stark and to Route 110A in Milan. Take left onto Muzzy Hill Rd. Follow 2 miles till you come to the campground on both sides of the Road.

From Points South in NH and MA

Take I-93 north to Exit 35. Take left at end of ramp follow about 27 miles to Lancaster. Keep following Route 3. Follow above directions from ***In Lancaster…...

Other Routes to the Great North Woods

Route 2 through Gorham, NH to Route 16N through Berlin then look for Route 110B in Milan. Take Left onto 110B. Follow to the end and take left onto Route 110A. Campground is just up the road.

From Route 26

In Errol, NH. take Route 16 South to Route 110A. Take a Right, 2 1/2 miles.

If you still need help finding us, check out Google Maps.